Joomia! is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License.

Version 5.x provides the core of this site. Joomla ranks in the world's largest open-source CMS (content management system) with over an estimated two million sites. Version 3.x delivered, for the first time, fluid or responsive template capability with version 5.x adding further refinments. This type of template provides the ability for browser viewers to dynamically resize their browser page size (within limits). This contrasts significantly to fixed type page templates which cannot be resized at all and at best almost impossible to view on a mobile device. 

The template used for this site is joomia's cassiopeia default. The scalability potential of this CMS is illustrated with this list ranging from very large enterprises with obviously more staff and complexity of add-on modules to the relatively simple such as ours.

 Organization websites implemented using Joomla include:
eBay Harvard University General Electric Bank of America
IKEA University of Alabama Holiday Inn European Union
Porsche United Nations Sony Pictures Linux
Royal Scottish
   National Orchestra
Charles RIver
    Wind Ensemble
 Southeastern MA
   Community Concert Band


  Joomla extensions & plugins (not all are free) in use at our site include:

Display Date + Time for all countries by Web357
JCE Editor
Maxi Menu CK, by Cedric Keiflinm
SC Login Enhanced by Sourcecoast