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How do I show my cat?





  • Pedigree and Household cats can be shown. However all cats shown at a CFA show must be registered in CFA

  • You do not have to belong to a cat club!  ... But that can be a source of help and frankly you'll meet and make new friends who share your special interest.

  • Talk with exhibitors at one or more shows about their experiences. Most will be happy to chat with you, just remember they are listening for the announcements to bring their cat(s) to a judging ring. If their number is called, they have to prepare and do that as a first priority.

  • When you register for a show, Indicate you are a first-time exhibitor. Show organizers will attempt to bench you next or near to an exhibitor who has indicated willingness to be a mentor.

  • Visit the CFA website

    • CFA Standard Logo Tag RGB 1024x385Show Household Pets. Also displays "Tips for New Exhibitors" regardless of pedigree or household pet category
    • CFA Standard Logo RGBHow to Complete a CFA Entry Form

    • CFA Standard Logo RGBCode of Ethics for CFA Cat Show Exhibitors

    • CFA Standard Logo RGBFind a Show to Visit